Ways to keep your dog entertained? Things a dog pawrent want to know

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I am having one of those days when I am trying to decide what I want to write even though I have a complete list of topics that I haven’t even covered. Today, I am inspired by my dog King. I’m sitting in the living room and he comes and flops down on his expensive orthopedic bed designed by me and I reflect on my guilty dog mom moments.

Typically, I would be away at work for hours and he would be home alone. I often wondered what he did while I was away. Was he lonely? Was he nervous? Or was he just happy to have some alone time?

I would like to think it was all of those things. Surely, he was lonely in this empty house while he laid on his comfortable bed. Nervous for sure in a quiet home that often makes strange sounds that you don’t notice when people are present. The past thing… maybe he was happy to have some peace and quiet but not for 8+ hours 5 days a week. 

Is it me or does he look happy to have some peace?

Often, I would say to myself I want a job working from home so I can spend more time with King. We can go to dog parks and have puppy play dates or even just go for long drives. Lucky me now I have the opportunity to work at home, but Covid19 happened so most people are skeptical of interacting with other people. Most people I know with dogs do not have the luxury of working from home, so I am somewhat back to the drawing board. 

Being at home seems to keep me busier because I am now consumed with all the things I should be doing and playing with my handsome dog isn’t always number one. I want to be the cool pawrent who is always seen with her dog and we go EVERYWHERE together. I plan to travel to exotic locations with him. He deserves a lifestyle of luxury because I want a life of luxury. 

Best friend in the flesh

It is not fair for him to be cooped in the house just because that is what humans like to do. So, I have decided right now to take him on adventures at least twice a week (starting next week because mom is a bit busy). He needs to interact with other dogs because currently it’s mostly humans and occasionally cats (weird I know).

In a small town where there are no dog parks or even dog daycares can be nerve-racking for dog moms and dog dads, but we do the best we can to keep our pals comfortable and happy. There are games for dogs to keep them intrigued and mental juices flowing, but I am not sure how King will like those. He has this one toy of the many that he plays with. 

How do you keep your pup entertained? I would like to know because mama is running out of ideas.

Looking for a place to shop for your best four legged friendly? Try https://pawtique.life

Stay tuned for next Wednesday’s blog !


www.poochlala.com | The luxury boutique that Brings Out The Dog In You!


www.poochlala.com | The luxury boutique that Brings Out The Dog In You!

1 thought on “Ways to keep your dog entertained? Things a dog pawrent want to know”

  1. I love my grandbaby he’s so sweet at times and other times he’s just bng a dog. But I would not trade him for nutn n this world.

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