Why Stool Test My Dog: Did Someone Say Worms? ?


I have said it before and I will say it again, 2020 HAS BEEN RUFF! But in the midst of it all, we still have to care fur our loved ones, our four-legged forever snuggle buddy. When COVID-19 first took us all by surprise and businesses were closing, some for good, we never imagined our dogs (or any pet) could be left without proper care or a simple stool test when something doesn’t seem right.

Disclaimer: Please note that this post may contain affiliate link. This means I may receive a commission if clicked at no extra cost to you.

While I am making jokes, this is a serious matter.

Me No Speak Dog Poop or Stool Test

According to my earlier post, What Does Your Dog’s Poop Tell You, there is a story told by our dog’s poop. It’s crucial to know what is going into your dog as well as what is coming out! ? Not everyone is skilled with reading dog poop, so we rely on our trusty butt doctor (your dog’s veterinarian not your proctologist} to tell us what is happening.

The world is working toward getting back to the norm, but no one knows if it ever will or if it even should. Some of us do not feel comfortable going out into public anymore. Where does that leave King? ( King is my dog as you all may know if you read my other blogs). Thank Dog Heaven for businesses we didn’t know we need, like ClueJay!

What is ClueJay- Do I need it for a stool test?

ClueJay is an innovative home testing product that gives pet owners easy access to veterinary approved lab tests. Our simple home collect-and-mail testing delivers rapid results to a digital dashboard – helping pet owners keep their animals healthy, save time, avoid stress, stay engaged, and keep current on their pet’s healthcare.

Several tests are routinely recommended by veterinarians to help maintain each pet’s health and wellness. By putting these tests in your hands, you can now help protect your pet (and in some cases your family) before a problem arises.”

Don't mind me, I just thought I heard you talking about my butt and worms in the same sentence.
Did someone say something about worms in my butt?

Worms, Microbes, Giardia, OH MY! ?

By now I assume we all know that dogs can get harmful parasites. There are telltale signs (click this link for “Signs of Worms” PDF from ClueJay) of potential parasites: bloody stool, loose stools, weight loss, scooting, etc. If your dog shows no signs, it does not necessarily mean she or he is harmful parasite free. A stool test can tell you what you need to know. Here is an online pamphlet with more vital information.

Worms, microbes, and Giardia can live in your pet’s gut unbeknownst to us and can wreak havoc if left untreated. Some common stool parasites are:

  • ROUNDWORMS (DogsCats) look like “spaghetti” and pass through the mom’s milk to puppies and kittens. Open roundworm quick facts for DogsCats.
  • HOOKWORMS (DogsCats) cause malnutrition and mild to severe blood loss into the intestines.
  • TAPEWORMS (DogsCats) from fleas may be seen as “rice” wiggling under the tail! 
  • WHIPWORMS (DogsCats) can cause bloody diarrhea and remain infective for years in soil of yards, parks, or kennels.
  • COCCIDIA (DogsCats) are protozoa that cause diarrhea, especially in young pets.
  • GIARDIA (DogsCats) widespread cause of soft stools and diarrhea.
It's time you learn how to read your dogs poop like a pro!

How Does ClueJay work?

Veterinarians advise testing your dog’s poop (health dogs included) twice a year and four times yearly for puppies and I agree. “But, Tamara! It’s COVID-19 out there, I don’t feel safe to go out.” Don’t fret my pet, that’s where ClueJay comes in to save the day. ??‍? Not all superheroes wear capes, some wear lab coats and conduct stool test analysis.

“Vet tests, without the visit”! ?? I would write about it, but I’d rather you watch a video from the experts, I’m just the messenger.

Video from Cluejay.com

What Happens Next?

I know this can seem scary, but it’s important for you to understand your dog’s health. ClueJay helps you with that. They provide feedback on your dog’s stool results as well as the next steps to take with their 24/7 dashboard. ***ClueJay is in no way meant to replace your dog’s veterinarian visits, they encourage you to share your results with the veterinarian.

Set a reminder on your calendar to check your email for test results.
Don’t forget to write a reminder to review your dog’s stool results.

I Want to Learn More About ClueJay

Check this out!  We are helping to bring ClueJay veterinary approved pet tests right to your door. Test your dog or cat for common stool parasites like worms without needing a vet visit or prescription. Stool testing is regularly recommended by veterinarians once or twice yearly and whenever the stools are soft, bloody, etc. Intestinal parasites are a serious cause of illness in pets but also a health concern for people.  

Use our code PAWTIQUE at ClueJay.com to get 20% off any test kit! No need to pay the lab activation fee until you are ready to send in the sample. The results can be shared with your vet and added to your pet’s medical record. These professional test kits are simple and convenient. Happy testing!

Pet owners are thankful for Clue Jay as well as the pet!
Grateful ClueJay client!

Stay tuned for next Wednesday’s blog !


www.poochlala.com | The luxury boutique that Brings Out The Dog In You!

Missed last week’s blog? Check it out HERE

Looking for a place to shop for your best four legged friendly? Try https://pawtique.life


www.poochlala.com | The luxury boutique that Brings Out The Dog In You!

5 thoughts on “Why Stool Test My Dog: Did Someone Say Worms? ?”

  1. Pingback: Ultimate Check List For Thanksgiving with a Dog in 2020 - Real Bark Talk

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